Cliveden House

A terrace worth protecting
Dating from 1666, the expansive South Terrace is the oldest surviving part of the celebrated Grade I Italianate mansion at Cliveden in Buckinghamshire. While successive houses atop the terrace have burned down and been rebuilt, the terrace structure itself has only been altered and added to. After three centuries of wind, rain and root damage had taken their toll on the masonry, Mann Williams played a central role in a comprehensive programme of restoration works.
We undertook wide-ranging investigations to understand the hidden aspects of the terrace structure and determine the key causes underlying its deterioration. This informed the development of a broad conservation programme, including extensive stabilisation works, brick and stone masonry repairs, installation of a new drainage network and the re-laying of the terrace paving over a newly installed waterproofing system.
Project Lead

Project Team
- Location Buckinghamshire
- Client The National Trust
- Completion 2018
- Value £5m

Building understanding
The works were phased over a 5 year period and let as four separate main contracts. Work was planned to facilitate visitor engagement and was undertaken seasonally as parts of the South Terrace provide important habitat for bats.
The lengthy programme enabled investigations to be undertaken in tandem with the site work, enabling the repair proposals to be developed in detail, based on an ever-deepening understanding of the building and its condition.
Our work continues
Other recent Mann Williams projects on the Cliveden Estate (undertaken for both The National Trust and London & Regional Properties) have included: the phased refurbishment of the Mansion House and associated wings; the refurbishment and extension of the Spa building; access road stabilisation and drainage; restoration of a Flint Grotto; repairs to historic timber framed estate buildings; conservation of the Generator House and the Orangery.