University of Bath, Polden Residences

Exemplar Student living and Study experience
Polden, for the University of Bath’s Claverton Down campus, is a 293 bed purpose-built accommodation scheme designed to help the University achieve its vision “to be recognised as an international centre of research and teaching excellence”. The accommodation focuses on the latest industry thinking in how the student living and studying experience can seamlessly integrate.
The new buildings are connected to their surroundings by a homezone that improves the pedestrian flow by linking the landscaped courtyard, student residences and neighbouring academic buildings. The design also reduces the volume and impact of vehicular traffic on the development.
Project Lead

Project Team
- Location Bath
- Client University of Bath
- Completion 2018
- Value £30M
Maximising repetition
The buildings range from 4 storeys at the north end of the site adjacent to Polden Court to 7 storeys at the Quarry Road junction, taking advantage of the natural slope in the site from north to south. A reinforced concrete frame comprising flat slabs and blade columns forms the structure to each block. A simple frame module set out on a two bedroom grid maximised repetition and standardisation of frame elements. The distinctive 4m cantilever block on the knuckle of the development was formed with insitu beams at each floor level. Detailed discussions with the concrete frame contractor allowed the beams to be pre-set to account for dead load deflections.

Facilities at Polden also include a gym and additional meeting suites for studying for group working. These are located on the visually prominent ‘knuckle’ of the scheme, creating a strong connection to the recently completed 10 West academic building.